Saturday, July 23, 2016

Notes from the road - Day One

Tesla Route Map
Our day one plan was to make this one of the longer travel days of our journey. Since we would be traveling through areas that we've been to many times before, we wouldn't need to build in too many stops. 

We had quite a slow start for this journey. We ended up leaving Durham 3 hours and 15 minutes late. Oliver took this better than expected and logged the time deltas. Throughout most of the day, he was a able to verify that his plan was working as expected and that the charging calculations were very accurate. What he did not anticipate was road construction into Charlotte,  just plain bad traffic out of Charlotte, a bus fire going into Atlanta that backup traffic for 20 miles, and construction that brought three lanes down to one on the way out of Atlanta. These delays added a few unexpected hours to the trip.

Autopilot Selfie
Our Tesla's autopilot system made most of the delays tolerable as it's a champ in stop and go freeway traffic. I don't get to use it that way in Durham much, but I'll bet for drivers and big cities they've found paradise. PS: Auto pilot is really cool for selfies.

Dinner to go please
Our major point of interest this day was our dinner stop. Fat Matt's rib shack. My wife and her mother discovered this place on a trip they took to Atlanta and we've been fans ever since. It's a must stop for us whenever we visit Atlanta. They have a stage and host blues bands often. The band this evening did not dissapoint. Fortunately for us, the lines weren't too long and we were able to get our food quickly. Due to all of the delays, we had decided to get take our and eat at the supercharger. 

We setup at the supercharger and ate while the car charged. We got some interesting looks from some passerby Tesla owners. It was a blast and the food was great. 

Fat Matt's is good anywhere...really!
Guess our location...

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